First attempt at making sounds in Bitwig Studio
Bookmarked Podcast 2022/05 | Ramita by .
Trying my hand at making music with Sonic Pi
Rubylive_loop :flibble do sample :ambi_choir, rate: 0.2 # change this number to modulate pitch sample :bd_haus, rate: 1 end
Rubylive_loop :flibble do sample :ambi_piano, rate: 0.25 sample :bd_klub, rate: 0.5, amp: 5.0 sleep 1 end
Music for Tiny Airports
An homage to Brian Eno written in 256 bytes of HTML/JS
A collage of the track, ‘A Clearing’ by Brian Eno, and spoken narration by Attiya Dawood of her story, ‘Asha’s Desire’ for Karachi Beach Radio.
Made a p2p mixtape, using boom-box, in Beaker Browser
For the intended listening experience, navigate to dat:// in Beaker Browser, and paste in this url:
Noodling on the ukulele at 7am