
  • Reading Devine & Rekka‘s log of their sail from Shimoda to Victoria, Canada.

    Smart devices to take away the pain of thinking deep thoughts, social things against the solitude, forever removing ourselves, in exchange for protectedness, for a complete thoughtless socialized inexistence.

    A creeping numbness might be to blame for our own search of this direct experience, in the form of long distance sailing, to let ourselves feel cold so we could sense the subtler changes in the weather, to go hungry to appreciate simpler foods.

    Convenience products will protect those living at odds with nature. Novel and fashionable horrors will be popularized to subvert anyone into docility, else new fears will be provided as obedience demands.

    In the name of security, a modern citizen will be thoroughly handled. A modern civilisation will deem itself total as it finally does away with all inconveniences, vanquished the totality of the Unknowable, the Indifferent, the Unorganizeable, of Nature, by means of paving over it.

    We believe that one can use nature’s indifference as a reminder of the actual fortitude of their being, to learn of one’s own true capacity for resilience when communing with nature — Ideas altogether at odds with modern stories, or an invitation to be part of something.

  • In the vicinity of Gujjar Nala, loudspeaker announcements inform residents to vacate homes built on the drain by 7:00 am tomorrow morning as the said construction will thereafter be razed to clear the drain path.

    This is the purest, most distilled form of climate injustice I’ve ever seen.

  • Hanging out with the Solarpunk Magic Computer Club, listening to solquemal teach us about fractals and shaders.

    vec3 cosPalette(float t){
        vec3 a = vec3(0.5,0.5,0.25);
        vec3 b = vec3(0.3,0.4,0.4);
        vec3 c = vec3(2.,1.,3.);
        vec3 d = vec3(0.,0.3,0.6);
        return a + b*cos( 6.28318*(c*t+d));
    const int iterations = 120;
    float mandelbrot(vec2 c) {
            vec2 z = vec2(0.);
            vec2 dz = vec2(0.); 
            float m2 = 0.;
            float dis = pow(10.,float(iterations));
            for( int i=0; i< iterations; i++ )
                if( m2 >dis) {  break; }
                dz = 2.0*vec2(z.x*dz.x-z.y*dz.y, z.x*dz.y + z.y*dz.x) + vec2(1.);
                z = vec2( z.x*z.x - z.y*z.y, 2.0*z.x*z.y ) + c;
                m2 = dot(z,z);  
            return sqrt( m2/dot(dz,dz) )*log(m2)*0.1;
    void main(){
        vec2 pos = uv() *1.5;
        pos -=0.025;
        vec3 color;
        vec2 z = pos;
       float v = 0.;//sin(time*.2)*0.2;
       vec2 c = vec2(-0.79 +v ,0.19);
       float an = atan(pos.x,pos.y);
      //JULIA SET 
        float t = 0.;
        for( int i = 0 ;  i < 100; i ++){
            c.x -= 0.012;
            vec2 nz = vec2(z.x*z.x - z.y*z.y, 2. * z.x *z.y ) + c;
            float m = dot(nz,nz);
            if (m>300.0) break;
            z = nz;
          t += 1./100.;
    // t -= mandelbrot(pos);
        color += cosPalette(t);
        gl_FragColor = vec4(color,1.);
  • Trying my hand at making music with Sonic Pi

    live_loop :flibble do
      sample :ambi_choir, rate: 0.2 # change this number to modulate pitch
      sample :bd_haus, rate: 1

    live_loop :flibble do
      sample :ambi_piano, rate: 0.25
      sample :bd_klub, rate: 0.5, amp: 5.0
      sleep 1
  • Trying to implement dark mode in my Beaker Browser personal library 🌗

  • Trying to make an interactive personal library in Beaker Browser

  • I hackintoshed my x230 tablet a couple of days ago, partly out of a desire to tinker, and partly because I’d always wanted to try out macOS. It’s a nice desktop environment, that interops well with the apps I use on my phone, but using it for a few days made me realize how much I’d been taking the speed and convenience of Linux for granted.

    Planning to add another drive in the mSATA slot so I can use both GNOME and macOS on the same machine.

  • Test-driving Beaker Browser 2.0. Here’s my (WIP) profile drive!


  • Early rave party invitation, London, 1987, artist unknown.